Thoughts from Kollel KLAL


The passuk states “יפקד ה’ אלקי הרוחות לכל בשר איש על העדה.” Rashi explains that Moshe Rabbeinu requested from Hashem who is the G-d of all spirits to appoint a person over the entire gathering. Why is Hashem described as “the G-d of spirits,” different than the usual description of G-d of the heaven or the earth? Rashi answers because Moshe said, “Master of the universe, it is known before You that each person has their own thought process which is not similar to another’s. There needs to be a leader appointed over them who will be able to deal with each and every one according to their own thoughts.” Moshe asked with the lashon of “the G-d of the spirits” which reflects each person’s interests.

Hashem accepted Moshe’s request, and responded “קח לך את יהושע בן נון איש אשר רוח בו” which Rashi explains, take Yehoshua with words, convince him saying, “Praiseworthy are you, that you are fitting to lead the children of Hashem.” Yehoshua is the exactly person who Moshe asked for, since he is a man who is able to work together with the spirit of each and every individual.

Onkelos translates the word אשר רוח בו as “that the spirit of prophecy is in him.” Why does Onkelos add the point of prophecy, and how will it help Yehoshua be able to lead Bnei Yisrael?

The Gaon from Vilna explains that when we had Nevi’im a person would go to the Navi to seek clarification in what a person should do. The Navi would check into the roots of his neshama and nature of his being, and then give him personal instruction what to do. Each individual has his own path to walk on, no two people are alike. They look different, their minds are different, and their nature is different.

The Navi Melachim brings a story with Elisha and the Shunami woman, who often hosted him, and he blessed the hostess to have a son. The child was born and afterwards became deathly ill, and Elisha said   וה’ העלים ממני ולא הגיד לי” and Hashem concealed it from me and did not tell me about the situation.” The Malbim explains that any time a person sins and is deserving of punishment, Hashem would first present the plan to the Navi. He is given the opportunity to daven and fix the situation before Hashem will follow through with punishment. Here, Elisha said, “Hashem concealed it from me and did not tell me” which reflects that this was an exception, usually he did know. The child got sick on his own, and did not sin, therefore it was not revealed to Elisha. This is as the passuk statesכי לא יעשה ה’ אלוקים דבר כי אם גלה סודו אל עבדיו הנביאים Hashem will not do anything unless He first reveals His secretive plan to His servants the Nevi’im, in order for them to warn the nation to repent.

Hashem chose Yehoshua who was given prophecy to be the leader of the Bnei Yisrael. With prophecy he would be able to understand each and every individual and be able to relate to him accordingly. If one needs rebuke, advice, or help in any area, Yehoshua would be able to provide the solution from Hashem. Also he would be notified about plans of punishment for sin and will warn the nation to repent and return to Hashem.

May Hashem return the Nevi’im to give over tailored direction from Hashem to each of us!

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