Weekly Parsha Thoughts


The passuk mentions that the king should have a Sefer Torah with him to learn to fear Hashem, לבלתי רום לבבו מאחיו in order that he should not raise up his heart over his brothers. The Ramban says that here the Torah...
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The passuk states לא תוכל לאכול בשעריך מעשר דגנך ותירושך ויצהריך you are not able to eat in your gateways ma’aser of grain, wine, or oil. Rashi explains the passuk places a lo sa’aseh for eating these things out of the place...
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Parshas Eikev The passuk warns a person who will become wealthy and has houses, cattle, silver, and gold, that he may say “כחי ועוצם ידי עשה לי את החיל הזה, my strength and the power of my hand made for me this...
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The passuk states כי מי גוי גדול אשר לו אלוקים קרובים אליו כה’ אלוקינו בכל קראנו אליו which Onkelos translates “Since who is the great nation that G-d is close to it, to accept its davening in time of distress, as Hashem...
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The passuk tells us that Moshe spoke to the entire Bnei Yisrael בעבר הירדן במדבר…, across the Yarden in the desert. Rashi is bothered, didn’t Moshe speak to them in Arvos Moav across the Yarden, as it states at the end of...
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Hashem commanded Moshe, “נקום נקמת בני ישראל מאת המדינים take the revenge of Bnei Yisrael from the people of Midyan,” which infers that this is the Bnei Yisrael’s revenge. However the following passuk states that Moshe commanded the nation, “Arm yourselves לתת...
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