Thoughts from Kollel KLAL


The passuk states לא יהיה לך אחרים על פני. What do the words אחרים and על פני mean?


Rashi explains that אחרים means other people made it into gods, but in truth they are absolutely not a god. Or אחרים means they seem to be אחר, like a stranger; since when people cry out to them they do not answer. This is as it states in Hallel, “they have a mouth, but do not speak, they have eyes but do not see, they have ears but do not hear, they have a nose but do not smell.” The Malbim explains that the passuk hints that idols do not have the attribute of people who speak, or even the attributes of animals, who see, hear, and smell. The idols have a mouth, eyes, ears, and a nose but they do not have any usage.


The passuk states in Ha’azinu, יזבחו לשדים לא אלוה which Onkelos translates as “that they slaughter to the demons who do not have any ability or rulership.” The Re’eim explains, if idols would have power Hashem wouldn’t be so upset. But since they don’t have any power and people worship them, Hashem is doubly angred. The Ramban explains there is no need, benefit, or advantage to them since they won’t prevent future damage and they won’t notify you to be aware of any hardships that may occur.


Rashi explains על פני means do not make other gods as long as Hashem exists, which is eternity. Rashi in Parshas Va’eschanan brings another explanation of על פני: do not have other gods in any place in the world because Hashem is there. The dibur of לא יהיה comes to assur acceptance of another god in any time or place.

Onkelos translates לא יהיה לך אלהים אחרים על פני  as, “There should not be for you another god besides for Me.” The Ramban explains this includes any lofty angels or celestial beings of the heaven which are called אלוהים. One should not believe in any of them or accept as a god, or say out you are my god.  This dibur comes to assur one to accept any level of authority over himself besides for Hashem.


The first two dibros were said together, hinting that they are one idea; Hashem is in charge of everything and there is no one else.


May we constantly remember that Hashem is absolutely in charge and there is no one besides Him!

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