Thoughts from Kollel KLAL


The passuk says, “ and the Emori’im went out… and chased you (Bnei Yisroel) as bees would do.”  Rashi explains that just as a bee dies when it stings a person, so too the Emorim died when they hit Bnei Yisroel.

The Griz zatzal asks: The passuk seems to tell us the great strength of the Emorim as it says “and they hit you in Se’ir until Chochma”, yet the passuk also says that they died because of their hitting.  How can we understand both things?

The Griz explains that when one person hits another, and that person doesn’t respond, the hatred of the first person is not so recognizable. However, when the second person gives back double, and the hitter knows that he’ll be hit back more than he gave, then the hatred is clear and open.

This is how it was by the Emori’im.  They saw that by hitting Bnei Yisroel they would die, and they still attacked Bnei Yisroel.  The passuk is explaining the great hatred the Emori’im had- knowing that they would die, and still attacking Bnei Yisroel.

With this, the Griz explains pessuking in hallel.  First the passuk says “all the nations surround me…” Then it says “they will surround me another surrounding” and lastly “surround me like bees.”  The pessuking are describing the hatred the nations had for Bnei Yisroel.  First they siege, and then they double up in case the first one gets broken through, and then even more like bees.  Meaning, they know they will get killed yet they still attack.  Each of these pesukim ends with bitachon in Hashem- that Hashem destroys them!

May Hashem get rid of the hatred of the goyim and bring the השראת השכינה with the building of the Beis HaMikdash במהרה בימינו אמן!

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