Thoughts from Kollel KLAL


The parsha teaches that one who worships the molech gets the punishment of skillah, stoning. Rashi explains this is an avodah zarah where a father gives over his son to the priest and the priest walks the son through two blazing fires. The Ramban however is bothered; how can the father be punished for other people serving avodah zarah? The father only gave over his son but did not pass him through! Also the passuk states מעביר בנו ובתו באש the father passes his son and daughter in fire, and not someone else. Therefore the Ramban explains that the avodah zara of the molech is that the father gives over his son to the priests and they wave him or bring him close before the molech. Afterwards he is returned to his father who brings his son through the fire until he gets burnt or he dies in the fire.

The passuk states about one who worships the molech:ואם העלם יעלמו..ושמתי אני את פני באיש ההוא ובמשפחתו והכרתי אותו… “And if people look away from punishing him, Hashem will place His face” which Onkelos translates as “anger,” against that person and his family and Hashem will cut him off.” Rashi explains he himself (from the word אותו him) will be punished with kareis and his family will be punished with affliction and suffering.

Rashi brings Rebi Shimon asks: why should the family receive punishment, what sin did they commit? This teaches that if one person in a family is a tax collector, the rest of the family are also tax collectors and they all them cover up for him. The Sifsei Chachomim adds that since they are all part of his family they search for merits to save him. The Rabeinu Bachyeh explains they agree to his actions.

Onkelus however translates ובמשפחתו as “and with his helpers.” Onkelus was bothered with Rashi’s question. Why should a family member who lives at the other end of the world and did not know anything about the evildoing receive punishment for his relative commiting avodah zara? Rather this refers to the helpers, and the ones who cover over his evildoing to merit him, and those who are aware of his evildoing and don’t tell Beis Din to get rid of the evil. These people will receive punishment for partaking in the evil.

We see that for minimal involvement with another one’s sin and evildoing, they will be punished, even though they themselves did not actually sin. From the bad we can derive the good; that if one helps and assists another person’s ruchniyus he will certainly receive reward.

May Hashem help us assist another’s ruchniyus and be part of his growth and success!

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