Thoughts from Kollel KLAL


In Parshas Eikev the passuk mentions the mitzva of being דבוק in Hashem, as it states ובו תדבק “and in Him you shall cling.” Rashi is bothered: How can a person become connected to Hashem, Hashem is described as אש אכלה הוא, that He consumes fire? Rather, attach yourselves to people who learn the Torah and it will be considered as though you are connected to Him. Or, attach yourselves to His ways, just as Hashem does kindness, buries the dead, and visits the sick, so to you should do the same. By following after Hashem’s ways we become attached to Him.

Onkelos translates the words ובו תדבק as “and to His fear you shall come close.” The Nefesh HaGer explains that Onkelos changes from the literal translation “and in Him you shall be connected” because one cannot physically come close to Hashem, rather, one should come close by fearing Him. When a person fears Hashem he has Hashem alive with him in all places and at all times.

The passuk states ואתם הדבקים בה’ אלקיכם “and you who are connected to Hashem your G-d….” Onkelos translates הדבקים literally, “that you attached yourselves with the fear of Hashem.” The Nefesh HaGer asks: why does Onkelos translate here with literal translation of דבק “attach”, whereas later he translates as קרב “come close”?

The Nefeh HaGer answers: the pesukim in our parsha contrast Bnei Yisrael to the people who worshiped ba’al Pe’or. The Gemara brings Rav Yehudah said: regarding those who worshiped ba’al Pe’or it states הנצמדים לבעל פעור “those who connected to ba’al Peor” are like a צמיד פתיל, a sealed cover. Another passuk statesבה’ אלקיכם  הדבקים ואתם “and you who are attached to Hashem your G-d…”, this is like two palm trees that are stuck together. Rashi explains: Moshe is saying that their fathers did not recognize that avodah zara was a disgraceful act and they became נצמדים, completely attached to ba’al Pe’or like a seal which is smeared with wax all around. However with Hashem, they were only attached like two palm trees that are stuck together but are not completely connected. This is a disgrace, since they were attached to the ba’al Peor more than to Hashem.

However, the Braiysa brings: it states הנצמדים לבעל פעור “those who connected to ba’al Peor,” this is like a bracelet or necklace on a woman which is somewhat attached, but not completely attached. However, ואתם הדבקים בה’ אלהיכם, “and you that are attached to Hashem your G-d…” you are דבוקים ממש, completely attached. Rashi explains that a צמיד is something which moves around and does not remain in its place, like a bracelet or necklace. However, דבוק means attached and connected well, so that it doesn’t move from its place. Moshe says to Yisrael as a praise, “You are completely connected to Hashem.”

Onkelos who always searches after the merit of Yisrael translates הדבקים literally, with the lashon of דבוק “connected”, just like the Braiysa which praises Yisrael for being completely connected to Hashem.

May Hashem help us attach ourselves to people who learn Torah, follow in His ways, and fear Him, to become completely connected to Hashem!

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