Thoughts from Kollel KLAL


This parsha speaks about the mitzvos of karbanos.  There are several types of karbanos, such as olah, shelamim, and chatas.  An olah or shelamim can be brought free-willing, without being obligated to, whereas a chatas can only be brought after doing an avairah by accident.  We see that the mitzvah of karbanos can depend on the will of a person; if he wants to bring a korban he can offer an olah or shelamim. We also find that there are mitzvos which have no shiur, such as bikurim, pe’ah, gemilas chasadim; one can bring and do as much as one wants.  The Steipler Gaon zatzal asks, why is there a middle state where if one wants to he can bring a korban, and also where there is a chiyuv one can do or bring as much as one wants?

The Steipler explains that Hashem made it for our benefit that there shouldn’t be a chiyuv to bring or do these things.  If we are moser ourselves in our avodas Hashem to do extra things which we don’t necessarily need to do, it will bring us closer to Hashem.  For example, if a person chooses to do more chessed, or daven a little better, or give more tzedakah, he will arouse in himself an additional level of ahavah for Hashem.

The Mesilas Yesharim says: Just as if a person has an inner enthusiasm it will bring him to zerizus in his actions, so too if a person acts bezrizus it will arouse enthusiasm and happiness within him. The more one chooses to do for Hashem the more he will build a special connection to Hashem.

So too, the Steipler explains, is the mitzvah of korbanos and things which have no shiur.  Hashem gave us an opportunity to use our own mesiras nefesh in avodas Hashem. Had a person been responsible to do these mitzvos, it would be like paying off a debt, doing it only because one has to. Rather, Hashem gave us the opportunity to do extra and take the first step to bring ourselves closer to Hashem.

May we be zoche to continuously add to our avodas Hashem and be zoche to feel a special ahavas Hashem.

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