Thoughts from Kollel KLAL


The passuk states that Balak sent messengers to Bilam to call him saying, “Behold the nation went out of Mitzrayim הנה כסה את עין הארץ ‘behold covers the eye of the earth.’” What does עין הארץ mean? And what was Balak’s issue with Bnei Yisrael?

Rashi explains that Bnei Yisrael killed the mighty kings, Sichon and Og who protected the nations. They are called the עין הארץ because they look after, guard, and protect the nations.

Onkelos however translates “the nation… covers the shine of the sun.” The passuk states by the makkah of arbeh (locust): וכסה את עין הארץ, which Onkelos translates as “and the arbeh will cover the shine of the sun.” The Sifsei Chachomim explains that because of the arbeh, the sun would be blocked and therefore one would not be able to see the land. When the arbeh came the passuk states ויכס את עין כל הארץ ותחשך הארץ, which Onkelos translates: “and it blocked the shine of the sun and it darkened the land.”

The Nefesh HaGer asks: it is understandable that the arbeh flew and separated between the sun and the land, blocking its shine. However what issue did Balak have with Bnei Yisrael who were on the ground, standing? In what way did they affect the shine of the sun? The Nefesh HaGer brings from the Midrash: Balak claimed that the Ananei HaKavod (Clouds of Glory) were suspended in midair underneath the sun, blocking its shine.

At the end of the parsha after Bnei Yisrael sinned with the avodah zara of Ba’al Peor, Hashem says to Moshe:  קח את כל ראשי העם והוקע אותם לה’ נגד השמש“take all the heads of the nation and hang them before the sun.” The Midrash brings: Rebi Yudin explains, although the heads of the nation did not actually sin, they were punished because they did not protest against others. The Nefesh HasGer brings that Onkelos translates as the Midrash (brings b’shem Rebi Nechemia and Rashi brings from Midrash Aggadah): the heads who did not sin were not hung, rather they were taken to judge as part of the Sanhedrin. Moshe asked Hashem, “Who will let them know which people are guilty?” Hashem said: “I will.” The Anan removed itself by folding away from whoever sinned and the sun shone upon them thereby publicizing them, and they were hung. This is as the passuk states “before Hashem opposite the sun.”

We see that the Ananim carried us, made it easy to travel, and blocked the sun’s shine to enable Bnei Yisrael to have a comfortable and pleasant travel.

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