Thoughts from Kollel KLAL


The Torah says that Bilam tried to curse Bnei Yisroel. The pesukim and Rabeinu Bechai list a number of nissim and nifla’os that Hashem performed in order to stop Bilam from accomplishing his mission.

First, when Bilam took his donkey to travel to curse, the donkey went off the path. Then the donkey pressed against a wall and crushed Bilam’s foot. After that the donkey crouched in its place and completely stopped travelling.

All of these happenings were signs from Hashem.  The donkey turning off the road was a sign to stop travelling.  Bilam’s foot getting crushed was also a sign to stop travelling, as people walk with their feet.  The donkey stopping altogether was obviously a sign to stop travelling!

After those three signs the donkey spoke. This was to teach that only Hashem is in charge of speech.  Hashem, who make a donkey speak, can certainly stop Bilam from saying things against His will.

After that, a malach came and told him straight out, “All this happened because you are going to do bad… and Hashem told you to go on condition that you don’t curse.”

Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz zatzal says that from all these nissim and nifla’os we see the great chesed and rachamim of Hashem.  Even to such a great rasha Hashem sent so many signs and chances to stop from doing a chait.  However, although Bilam harasha was an expert about signs, by not stopping to take Hashem’s message to heart, he was not affected.   This may be hinted to in our parsha by there not being any stops in the entire story of Bilam.

May Hashem help us learn from what happens, to recognize His messages and bring us to serve Him better!

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