Thoughts from Kollel KLAL


Hashem told Moshe, “gather 70 men from ziknei Yisroel, that which you know that they are the ziknei ha’am v’shotrov.”  Why were these special zekainim zoche to become nevi’im? Also, what is the meaning of “that which you know?”

Rashi explains that these 70 zekainim go a long way back, all the way to Mitzrayim. They were appointed as rulers (oppressors) over Bnei Yisroel in Mitzrayim.  Their job was to make sure that Bnei Yisroel did their hard, backbreaking labor.  If they wouldn’t do their work they would get hit.  These shotrim (police officers) had pity and didn’t push them as they were commanded.  Therefore, when the shotrim gave in Bnei Yisroel’s work they were missing the proper amount.  The shotrim were held responsible and were hit because of this.  Therefore they were zoche to be the Sanhedrin and to become nevi’im.

The passuk says in Parshas Naso ויקריבו נשיאי ישראל…הם נשיאי המטות. “And the nesi’im brought… they are the nesi’im of the tribes. Rashi explains these nesi’im were shotrim over the Yidden in Mitzrayim and they were hit because of them. The Sifsei Chachamim explains that this is the meaning of “nesi’ai hamatos” referring to the sticks which with they were hit.

These nesi’im gave the 6 wagons and 12 oxen for the levi’im to use to carry the parts of the Mishkan.  We see here as well that the shotrim felt the pain of others and wanted to help. Because of the tza’ar they had for someone else’s pain, and for their chesed and rachamim, they were zoche to receive special presents from Hashem- mishpat and nevu’ah.

May we be zoche to recognize another’s need and help them, and be zoche to special siyata dishmaya from Hashem.

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