Thoughts from Kollel KLAL


The passuk statesויפח באפיו נשמת חיים ויהי האדם לנפש חיה . “And He blew into his nostrils a breath of life and the Adam became a living soul.” Rashi explains that although the passuk also calls animals נפש חיה  the creation of Adam was unique. Adam has the most life of all since he has knowledge and the ability to talk.

Onkelos translates the wordsויהי הדם לנפש חיה  as “and it- the neshama– was blown into Adam to be a spirit which speaks.” The Ramban explains that this seems that there were two stages of Adam’s creation. First he was created with a  נפש חיה as any other movable being, similar to all animals which are alive and move. We find this concept in the Gemara: Rava created a person with the sefer Yitzira and sent him to Rav Zeira. Rav Zeira spoke with him and he did not respond. He said, “You are from witchcraft, return to your dirt.” This person had no ability to speak, and was only able to move around as an animal. Afterwards, as a second stage of his creation, Hashem blew into Adam a neshama which implanted within him knowledge and the ability to speak.

There are four categories in the creation: 1- דומם, inanimate objects, such as stones and metals; 2- צומח, that which grows, such as plants and trees; 3- חי, creations that are alive and move, such as animals and birds; 4-מדבר , those who speak, people.

What is unique about the ability to speak, which people have over animals?

The Gemara brings that a person is created to toil in learning with one’s mouth; to talk and say over divrei Torah. The Maharsha explains that speaking words of Torah is the purpose of a person’s creation as a מדבר. This defines the uniqueness people have over animals.

The Nefesh HaChaim explains that the wordsויהי האדם לנפש חיה  means “and the Adam was to be for a living soul.” This teaches that a person is the nefesh of the entire creation and universe. The world is directly connected and affected by the acts of people. A person is comparable to the motor of a car; if the motor has power and energy it will enable the car to drive, however if not the car won’t move at all. So too is a person: if he fulfills the Torah and mitzvos he provides power and energy to the world, however if not he will destroy it.

May Hashem help us use our speech for divrei Torah to elevate ourselves and the entire creation.

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