Thoughts from Kollel KLAL

Mishpatim- Shekalim

This Shabbos we lein Parshas Shekalim (in addition to the Parshas HaShavuah) which is the first of the 4 Parshiyos.  The Gemara brings: Raish Lakish said: It is revealed before Hashem that Haman will give shekalim to destroy Bnei Yisroel. Therefore, Hashem preceded our mitzvah of shekalim before his shekalim to be a zechus, a refuah, before the makkah. This is as the Mishna says: Beis Din would announce on the first of Adar to bring shekalim to the Mikdash for purchasing korbanos. From Rosh Chodesh Nissan and on only the new contributions were used to buy the daily korbanos. This would give time for people to bring the machatzis hashekel.

The Mishna Berurah explains that we lein Parshas Shekalim to remind us of the mitzvah of machatzis hashekel which we were obligated to contribute towards the korban tamid brought every day. By reading Parshas Shekalim it is as though we bring the shekalim as it says ונשלמה פרים שפתינו.

The Gemara brings: the Beis Medrash of Rabbi Yishamel taught three things were difficult for Moshe until Hashem pointed and showed him with His finger: the Menorah, Rosh Chodesh- the new moon, and sheratzim. The pesukim mention the word זה, this, by all three things. It says by the making of the menorah “וזה מעשה המנורה”, by Rosh Chodesh “החודש הזה”, and by sheratzim “וזה לכם הטמא”. The word זה, this, teaches that Hashem clearly showed the Menorah, the new moon and different sheratzim, טמא and טהור.

Tosfos brings a Midrash that says Hashem showed Moshe a מטבע של אש, a coin of fire, as the passuk says זה יתנו. The Anaf Yosef explains that the machatzis hashekel (is tzedakah) and is comparable to fire. Just as with fire, even a small amount shines a lot and lights up a large area , so too even a small amount of tzedakah has great affects. The Shelah explains that the fire symbolized korbanos as it says אשה ריח ניחוח לה’, meaning a fire offering accepted by Hashem. The coin of fire is showing that the money was to be used to buy korbanos which will bring this nachas ruach.

Tosfos asks: why isn’t machatzis hashekel mentioned in the list as by it as well the word זה, this, is used- “זה יתנו”?

Tosfos answers that by the Menorah, Rosh Chodesh, and sheratzim, Moshe had difficulty with recognizing their appearance. However, by the machatzis hashekel coin Moshe had no difficulty figuring out. Rather, Moshe was astounded as to how a half a shekel, an insignificant amount of money, can bring forgiveness for the aveirah of the eigel, as it says לכפר על נפשותיכם. Hashem showed Moshe a coin of fire, in order for him to recognize this lesson and let Bnei Yisroel learn as well that by giving machatzis hashekel you indeed will receive kapparah.

May Hashem build the Beis Hamikdash and enable us to fulfill the mitzvah of machatzis hashekel and korbanos.

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