Thoughts from Kollel KLAL

Shmini Atzeres-Simchas Torah

The Rama brings that we call the last day of Yom Tov, Simchas Torah because we rejoice and make a seudah, in honor of finishing the Torah.  The source is a midrash on Shir HaShirim: Hashem came to Shlomo in Giveon in a dream and said, “ask what I shall give you.”  Shlomo answered, “You shall give a heart that knows.” Hashem gave him his request and the passuk says, “Shlomo brought olos and made a mishteh for all his servants.” R’ Eliezer says from here we learn out to make a seudah for completing the Torah.

Rav Schwab asks: This comparison is very difficult.  By Shlomo, he received a present of new wisdom from Hashem, and he therefore made a mishteh.  How does this apply to finishing the Torah and making a mishteh on Simchas Torah?

Rav Schwab explains the following: The simcha at a siyum when finishing a mesechta is the “hadran alach”, “returning to you.”  One who finishes a mesechta has gained much understanding. Now, with all this acquired knowledge, one can start again- more capable of understanding the mesechta even better!  This is exactly the mishteh of Shlomo; the celebration of being able to have a new and better understanding, and the Torah and mitzvos becoming clearer.  So too, this is what we celebrate on Simchas Torah.  We have gone through the whole Torah, and were zoche to an entire year of learning.  Now we can take all that knowledge and understanding, and start again, smarter and greater than before.

May we be zoche to new achievements in Toras Hashem!

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